Okay, so I need to put out a disclaimer about this post.
If the discussion of urinals of genitalia bother you, then please do not read this or the future post.
Let's begin....I have been using urinals for about 20 years or so, giving a few years to actually get tall enough to use the urinal, and I have used toilets for about 25 years. The toilets and urinals have always been hit or miss as far as cleanliness.
Now, some of these dirty pissers and crappers are expected, because of their location. Those located in bars are, of course, bound to be real gems, however those that one finds at work should be close pristine.
Taking this into account, there are two distinct issues that I have had with the urinals at work. First why is there so much "spillage" that can be found almost directly below the urinal. The urinal is obviously not leaking, so you guessed it some of the urine has hit the floor. I believe there are two potential causes, poor urinal design or some people piss on the floor. The first cause alleviates the blame from the pee-er and places it squarely on the urinal designer. I don't really believe that this is the cause. I do think that the second cause is the root, and it occurs, hopefully by accident, because there is a rush to either begin or to finish peeing. I am not sure that I can be "holier than thou" on this one, but as a gentleman, I will make the effort to be more careful when entering and exiting the firing range to prevent accidental "spillage". I hope that other men can do the same. If people are deliberately peeing on the floor, then we will need to schedule a meeting on how to use a urinal properly, which might be reasonable for my company, since we have a sign next to the urinals that tells us not to put paper in them. We might want to put up the sign about not peeing on the floor.
I will get to the second cause for Urinal frustration in the next blog, in the meantime take this little nugget with you and start practicing proper urinal technique.
Mac......I didnt know you were a gentleman....
You can't get too close to a urinal when urinating because of the splash factor. Therefore, in final drippage stage of the urination, a few drops will fall short of the urinal thus creating a pool of, well urine.
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